花园植物3D模型 Xfrog Plants – Home Garden

时间:2023-12-06 11:12:00 阅读:


OBJ格式的模型,适用于C4D/3D MAX /Maya等任何3D软件,包含20种水果素材植物模型,一共180个高精度模型

Home Garden contains 3D models of 20 species of popular fruit and vegetable plants. Each species includes 9 variations in age, size and shape for a total of 180 highly detailed, fully textured 3D models. This diverse selection of plant models is perfect for filling out realistic CG gardens.


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每套包含80张高精度图片素材,PNG格式,包含透明背景,多种绿色植物素材可以直接使用 80 high-resolution cutout plants for architectural visualization Speed up your busines...
通过Anytree插件,可以在Blender中自定义树木植物的外观,比如通过约束器外框、笔刷绘制等,也包含40+树叶枝干预设,多种参数可以调节,自动UVWith Anytree, you can model or draw t...
葡萄架、葡萄园植物3D模型,包含3DS MAX和FBX格式,支持Corona和Vray渲染器 (Single Engine) 3dsMax2014 + Corona 1.5 (Single Engine) 3dsMax2014 + Corona 1.5 (Single Engin...
包含15种南美洲,特别是巴西的 3D花园树木和灌木模型,3DS MAX格式,包含贴图材质,支持Corona, VRay Renderer, GrowFX和FStorm渲染器Globe Plants’ Bundle 32 – Brazi...
包含冬天里被雪覆盖的多种植物树木、灌木等3D模型,3DS MAX格式,需要Forest Pack Pro 5.4.0插件,支持Corona和Vray渲染器,包含贴图材质 8 Snow fir trees 4 Winter trees 1 Snow...

草地植物3D模型 NM-Lab System for 3ds Max GR01-10

包含GR01-10共10套植物草地花草3D模型,3DS MAX格式,需要Forest Pack Pro 5.4.0插件,支持Corona和Vray渲染器,包含贴图材质NM-Lab System is the most powerful tool to create r...

花园植物3D模型 Library of Vegetation by Lisyanskiy Vol.01

包含12个植物种类,每个种类包含4-10种样式,包含贴图材质Models are presented minimum in 12 variations, and each model has from 4 up to 10 different leaf textures. Col...
包含15种印度生长的树木植物3D模型,3DS MAX格式,包含贴图材质,支持Corona, VRay Renderer, GrowFX和FStorm渲染器Globe Plants’ Bundle 36 Indian Plants (3D Model) inc...

