一个完整的小孩和雪人的场景资产预设,Blender格式,要求Blender 3.4或者更高版本Sticks & Snow is a winter-themed art project of mine which files I am releasing for FREE...
包含7组中式汉服和日式和服3D模型,包含3DS MAX/FBX/OBJ/Marvelous/Substance格式,包含贴图材质 Marvelous Designer or Clo3D project A pose (ZPRJ) 3Ds MAX (corona , V-ray...
包含15种南美洲,特别是巴西的 3D花园树木和灌木模型,3DS MAX格式,包含贴图材质,支持Corona, VRay Renderer, GrowFX和FStorm渲染器Globe Plants’ Bundle 32 – Brazi...
包含80组高精度3D模型,主要是商场商店、装饰品、货架等3D模型,包含贴图材质Crispy collection for all open spaces! Handy library to fill up malls, offices, streets and...
一个亚洲女性角色绑定的人物模型,Blender格式,支持Blender 2.8或者更高版本,包含贴图材质Meet JOY, realistic character made in Blender 2.8xx (EEVEE render). In this bund...
包含一个完整的室外楼房场景3D模型,3DS MAX格式,包含贴图材质 3dsMax Modern Low poly. More materials you can find in the Material Editor....
包含100组末日废墟破损物品3D模型,比如楼房、家具、衣物、各种盒子、废弃包裹和杂物等,OBJ格式,包含贴图材质,需要手动添加贴图,也包含两个视频教程A post-apocalyptic style kit...
包含冬天里被雪覆盖的多种植物树木、灌木等3D模型,3DS MAX格式,需要Forest Pack Pro 5.4.0插件,支持Corona和Vray渲染器,包含贴图材质 8 Snow fir trees 4 Winter trees 1 Snow...
停车场里方块效果草地模型,3DS MAX格式,需要Forest Pack Pro 5.4.0插件,支持Corona和Vray渲染器,包含贴图材质 2 Full pavement blocks (3x3m) 2 Checker pavement blocks (3x3m...
包含GR01-10共10套植物草地花草3D模型,3DS MAX格式,需要Forest Pack Pro 5.4.0插件,支持Corona和Vray渲染器,包含贴图材质NM-Lab System is the most powerful tool to create r...

迅猛龙恐龙3D模型 Raptor Maya Rig

Maya绑定的迅猛龙3D模型,要求Maya 2018或者更高版本,包含贴图材质 Software: Maya 2018 (or higher) Rigged using Advanced Skeleton. Maya scene files include: raptor_rig...
包含各种风格的树叶模型资产预设,blender格式,包含贴图材质Enjoy the benefits of the twig system. Sold separately, twigs attach fluently to the trees you grow, effort...