包含20组木头材质预设,spsm格式,适用于substance系列软件,另外也包含PNG格式的贴图,其他三维软件可以使用,4K分辨率,包含视频教程This product includes 20 Wood Smart Material f...
包含100个石头贴图材质,TIFF格式,5K分辨率Stone Age II is a unique collection of 100 stone based textures and surfaces in a gorgeous full hi-res, 5K size and .tiff f...
包含20组砖块墙面贴图材质,可以无缝衔接,8K分辨率,JPG格式,可以用于任何三维软件The contemporary and beautiful collection of seamless brick wall textures. It contains 20...
包含20组完整的不同风格人行道地面贴图材质,可以无缝衔接,8K分辨率,JPG格式,可以用于任何三维软件20 beautiful seamless shaders, made for graphic designers and architectur...
包含18张玻璃破碎效果图片素材,也包含18张黑白置换图片素材,PNG格式,4K分辨Shattered glass VFX system. Easily create unique visuals for videos, motion graphics, and mor...
包含15个ZBP格式的ZBrush笔刷预设,可以快速绘制生物皮肤效果风格Including 15 well crafted and generic base meshes – these will serve as a starting point for wh...
包含50个ZBrush的笔刷预设,生物皮肤笔刷贴图风格,ZBP格式,要求ZBrush 2021.5.1或者更高版本A collection of 50 custom brushes for ZBrush 2021.5.1 (or above) to detail, te...
包含20个不同水坑深度贴图素材,PNG格式,适用于任何三维软件It contains 20 unique 8k Puddlemaps that you can easily use inside your Renderer. Tested with C4D and Octan...
包含10个8K分辨率的不同高山地形贴图素材,PNG+TIF格式,完全是在World Creator中制作的This Pack contains 10 Unique 8K 32bitfloat Landscape Hightmaps (seamless) with mul...
包含三套共超过360张图片素材,都是各种科幻赛博朋克元素风格,4K分辨率,PNG格式,带透明通道,方便用于二维或者三维项目 3 set of decal and it includes: Cyber Punk, Danger Sign...
包含60组笔刷材质预设,sbsar格式,适用于Substance系列软件 camo net scorpion camouflage.sbsar 49.1KB camo net sequoia forest digital camouflage.sbsar 49.4KB camo net...
包含135个动物皮肤风格贴图,PSD、TIF、Normal Map、BMP格式,支持Zbrush, Substance Painter, 3Dcoat, Blender, Mudbox, Modo, 3dsMax, Maya等任意三维软件These alphas will...